My Visual Design projects
Design layout making-of
I designed the layout of a hypothetical magazine. The main focus of the design of the layout was to make it clear, clean and visual impacting on the reader, focused on quality images instead of big amounts of text.

I designed the brand strategy and brand idea for this trendy and cool magazine. Including the logo, the typography and the color palet, and finally applying all them together coherently within in the project.

Web Design
I made up my own web page as a digital journalist, La Voz Ronca, in 2010. I used Joomla Templates, but with some IT support I made some improvements in the design, like a picture gallery and the posibility of making comments to any article. Furthermore, during the MVM I learned the basis of User Centered Design.

Idea Visualization
I use Graphic Design for transmitting concepts in a clean and clear way. I aplly visual design to conceptualization, analysis, mood boards, drafts spaces or image aplication.

Data Visualization
I contrasted different variables; by one side Unemploinment Rate and by other side demograthy data, like Emigration, Inmigration and Birth Rate from 2007 to 2011. Then I used Google Refine for cleaning the data and the web to make the bar chart. Finally, I used CartoDB for making a map with the Spanish Emigration Destination related with the Gros Domestic Product.